


You would think after writing a book or two that there would still be plenty to say, but let's just take this as a work in process.  Not only that but my current free brain power is being invaded by werewolves!

So I Did a Thing…

I just wanted to give my fantastic Four fans a quick update on my writing, as well as some insight into just how my process works.  We writers come in all breeds.  Many are meticulous architects of grand designs.  I love reading about their method and how they do detailed outlines of their work.  Oh, and I love hearing about research.  There is something truly beautiful about the process of creation when it is careful and controlled and full of technique.

I, on the other hand, and like a cat being taunted by a laser pointer.  I just see the shiny and run around and around chasing it, often at frenetic speed.  Naturally this leaves me collapsed in a heap ad sleeping for a good long time.  I also usually want tuna…

So when one of my super-talented writer friends, Meredith Pritchard, told me that was taking submissions for Sci-Fi novellas only for the month of June, I jumped at the opportunity to chase that shiny.  Mind you, it didn’t occur to me that not actually having a novella in one of the four genres that Tor was looking for – Near Future, Space Opera, Cyberpunk, or Time Travel – was a barrier to entry.  Instead I just started writing.

Then I gave up and worked on some more Rules Undying, because, hey, that story isn’t done…

Then I just goofed around one night and started writing my nonexistent novella again.  Three days and 15,000 words later, HOLY CRAP, I had a novella.  I also have probably lost most of my capacity for rational thought; as evidenced by my searches for Kardashian-licensed products on the internet.

Now, I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen next.  I haven’t thrown my hat into the traditionally published ring for almost a decade, so my nerves are shot and my confidence is low, but I know that I have to try, even if it is just to hear the words “no”.  I’m climbing back up on my writing horse and I don’t think I can ever go back.

Oh, and I also took up co-hosting a podcast… because I didn’t have enough to do!

Check us out: Ill Popcorn

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